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Stock Taking and Prospects of Sino-Swiss relations in a re-asserting Europe and post-Covid China

20 September 2023, 9:00-9:45 CET

Post-Covid China and Sino-Swiss Relations

A little more than one month ahead of the stars China symposium “Re-Engaging with China – Business Opportunities and Challenges” (22-25 Oct 2023), where stars in collaboration with China Macro Group (CMG) as put together a comprehensive, content-centric and executive-relevant programme for business leaders to re-engage to discuss post-Covid China with still a few spots available, we are delighted to have the opportunity to speak about this post-Covid China with his Excellency Ambassador Juerg BURRI, Ambassador of Switzerland to the People’s Republic of China, Mongolia and to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Beijing.

With China’s Covid-related travel restrictions dropped, international business traveling and two-way exchanges in and with China could resume where they were left pre-pandemic. But since the beginning of the Covid period when China was largely cut off from travel of the rest of the world for almost three years, a lot has changed: Russia invaded Ukraine, the CCP held its 20th Party Congress and reshuffled the Party’s and the state’s leadership, “de-risking” is top of the agenda in Washington, Brussels and Beijing, and China’s economy is sputtering.

What is the on-the-ground view in China on these geopolitical and domestic policy dynamics? How are Sino-Swiss relations evolving more than two years after the Federal Council published its first China strategy? How is Switzerland’s approach to China different from the EU and other European countries, and why? How does the Swiss government’s upcoming new Foreign Policy Strategy 2024-2027 “view” China? Is high-level Swiss diplomacy going to return to China in 2024? What is the sentiment of Swiss business engaged in China, and what opportunities and challenges do they see? And, what personal surprises did Ambassador Juerg BURRI live through?

This stars Webinar will be moderated by Markus HERRMANN, Co-Founder and Managing Director, China Macro Group (CMG); (Advisory) Board Member stars and SCCC, Zurich.

Kindly note: This webinar is held under Chatham House Rules and will not be recorded.

Click here to register


👉 As a perfect pre-reading for this webinar, CMG has put together a Primer “Sino-Swiss: from a ‘special relationship’ to balancing new geopolitical complexities’, exploring both structural aspects and recent developments in Sino-Swiss relations in an evolving geopolitical context. You can download it here.


About the speaker:
Juerg BURRI completed his diplomatic training in 1997, and from 1998 to 2002 was posted in the United Nations Section in Berne, working on preparations for Switzerland’s accession to the UN. From 2006 until 2009, he served as the Minister/Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Switzerland in Beijing. After holding different positions in Berne, in 2018, he was appointed as Ambassador of Switzerland in Poland with residence in Warsaw, where he served until 2022 and witnessed the impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine from the NATO’s eastern border. Since September 2022, Juerg BURRI is the Ambassador of Switzerland to the People’s Republic of China, Mongolia and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, with residence in Beijing. He has a licentiate in Contemporary History and Political Sciences from the University of Berne.


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stars Switzerland symposium, Schaffhausen and Stein am Rhein: 23-26 September 2023
stars China symposium, Shenzhen: 22-25 October 2023
stars Singapore symposium: 26-29 June 2024

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